MKC™ brand introduce:
MKC™ is a House Brand established by Monk Custom based on market demand and passion for products. Since members of the company are musicians, we have unique insights and ideas about products, and sometimes products on the market always feel a little bit the shortcomings of beauty. Why don't we make it better! So the MKC™ brand was founded in this spirit. ( Only Musician Knows Musician Best. )
Since the launch of Monk Custom's own branded instrument bags in 2014, after several changes, the MKC™ bags can be said to be the number one brand in Taiwan's mid-price instrument bag market in 2015 ~ 2017. It's a pity that our original ODM factory owner was retired, so we discontinued MKC™ brand for almost two years. Now, we have found the well-known RITXXX® and GATXXX® OEM factories. After a year-long inspection and running, we redesign a series of new products and go on the market again.
MKC™是Monk Custom公司基於市場需求以及對產品的熱情所設立的House Brand,由於公司成員都是樂手,所以我們對於產品會有獨到的見解跟想法,有時候市面上的產品總覺得有一點點美中不足的地方。 不如就讓我們把它做得更好吧!於是乎MKC™品牌就是秉持著這個精神所創立的。(Only Musician Knows Musician Best. 只有樂手最了解樂手。)
從2014年開始推出Monk Custom自有品牌的琴袋以來,歷經幾次改款後 MKC™系列在2015~2017年可以說是台灣中價位琴袋市佔率第一名的品牌。 很可惜我們原本的委任ODM工廠老闆退休了,所以空窗了將近兩年之久。 現在,我們找到了代工知名RITXXX®、GATXXX®的工廠,費時一年的考察磨合後,重新設計一系列新品上市。